If I believed, truly believed, that I can talk to the dead or have invisible friends people would laugh. If I was overly adamant or public about my beliefs, talked to these invisible people and advised other people to acknowledge them I would be considered eccentric at best. Most likely I would be thought to be unstable or insane.
If millions of people believe this it becomes a religion. Without any evidence other than their own unproven, fantastical beliefs, it becomes accepted. Those that don't follow their beliefs become the strange, troubled ones. When they become the majority the delusions becomes so accepted as to be commonplace. No one questions them for fear of offending people. No one likes to be the one to stand out. Doubt weighs on those that are skeptical. What if they are right? Despite having no evidence for it, there is no evidence against it so it could be right, right?
Even going to church as a child I questioned it. The stories I heard about Jesus seemed too far fetched, they were too close to the magical powers I was always told Santa had. The difference being that my parents believed it while I knew they were telling me about Santa because they thought it would get me to enjoy the holidays more. I remember sitting in church and hearing all the stories about ghosts, zombies and magical powers and watching all the adults that believed in them.
I always found it strange, this mass acceptance, without question, of religion. Though other civilizations believed just as vehemently in their gods we look at them as myths and impossible while an omnipotent being that created us just to test us so we can spend eternity with it seems plausible. Wouldn't such a powerful being have other friends or other interests rather than making its own friends? Why would such a powerful being be so conceited or insecure as to need so many followers (created by its own hand).
Watching its followers from the angle of someone that doesn't share the same ideology or even consider it's possibility is frightening. Are humans that weak that we need the idea of a vengeful god to keep us from harming others? I now truly believe that anyone that follows religion as anything other than a passing interest is mentally unsound and dangerous. The fact that so many believe this is the only thing that keeps it away from view. Who can find the crazy person in the world of the insane?
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