My main concern with writing and posting it for everyone to see is anonymity. I created this site mainly out of curiosity and some way to feed the creative urge that's always been in me. A lot has been happening to me lately, it's one of the more difficult and life changing periods I've ever faced. I feel if I didn't document it in some way then I'd be foolish. I'm constantly adding to the one (or two, or three) book(s) I'm always working on and at first I thought I would write it all there and perhaps I will some day but writing this at least puts it out there for me to look over and remember. I'm going to try to remain unknown but will not be dishonest with facts. If anyone knows me they will easily guess who I am. Eventually someone I know will find this and read it and I most likely won't care. Still, it gives me concern.

I've led a pretty strange life, not one full of foreign places and intrigue or time spent in jail but I've had my share of close calls, fights and odd happenings. When I was a kid I wasn't sure what I wanted to be but if I had been asked I'd have said I would do anything as long as I'm not bored. I've lived up to the goal I set for myself.

I won't start at the beginning ~way back when, on a snowy day, I was born; kicking and screaming and covered in blood~ I'll start with a few weeks ago, sometime last month, because that's when things changed drastically.
I was living in Somerville, a college town nearby Boston, having lived there for almost ten years. I had hoped to find a good job, start a good life and begin my life away from everyone. I wanted to jump as far away from most of my family as I could and see what came of it. I thought of it as a challenge- everything that happens from then on will be due to my choices. Everything I make will be mine. All the friends I make will be because of me.
I'm glad I made the choice and I found what I was looking for. I had a good job, loved my life and had great friends. As I usually do, as soon as I had all that I got bored and changed jobs, moved across town and began somewhat again. Soon enough I did it again. I had several jobs, some vastly different. I worked for a real estate company, a computer streaming company, I was an emt, a stand up comic and worked in a warehouse. I dated older women, younger women, students, teachers, lawyers and mothers. I was happy but eventually I found myself going through the motions, doing the same things I had done dozens of times before.
I'd talk to those around me, those who seem much happier with where they are and find what filled their life. They were dating people they were usually indifferent to or didn't like. Their interests were different than mine. They liked sports, watching tv and read only the newspaper. I tried to live like that, live more simply and it didn't work for me. I missed doing things that I didn't expect. I didn't like not having stories to tell or shocking people. I've always been different, even growing up, and I constantly find myself in situations I've never thought I would be in before. It seems odd considering no one would expect that from someone that looks as I do. I have no tattoos, no piercings, dress casually and look more like an ex suburban thirtysomething than someone that's been in more fights than he can count and came close to death a couple of times.
Around the ninth year I was in Boston I was ready to start the cycle again. I had gotten used to remaking myself and even had a whole bunch of new skills in which to get a better paying, more stable job. Employers were calling me at home, trying to set up interviews but I was sick of Boston. Every place had memories, good or bad, that wore me out. I wanted a complete change where I can do something new and not go to the same grocery store or the same path to work I've taken a hundred times.
I've been considering, several cities to move to, all of which had their advantages; Philadelphia, Chicago, Las Vegas and Atlanta. I've already lived in the South, New England and spent some time in California so I wanted to try a different part of the country. I narrowed it down to Atlanta and Chicago. I've been to Chicago before and was born just outside of the city and like the Midwestern attitude but Atlanta has some close friends in it and was a city I always liked, even if it was a Red State in the South.
Philadelphia I would choose because it would be closer to my brother, still fairly close to Boston that I could go back every once in a while and I heard good things about it. I've never been there though.
Las Vegas I love. I don't like the schmaltzy glitz and hate touristy towns but there are a lot of areas that rarely get that traffic. It has another side to it that people rarely see that I love. The climate is great too. I've never lived out West and I figured eventually I'll end up there. Not this time though, it's too far, too uncertain and other cities won out. I narrowed it down to Atlanta and Chicago.

I want to be as complete and detailed as possible but this is getting a bit long. I don't mind but I figure anyone that reads this might so for the sake of you, I'll end it now and pick it up later.

It gets better, trust me.

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