Better Off

Posted by new-all On 5:22 AM

I ate at Portillo's for lunch yesterday after I was jonesing for some really salty fries and a shake. It was a good lunch, a short break from an otherwise busy day and, as I was walking back I was thinking how far I had come. It was one of those moments, those too brief and too rare times, when it just seems there are no problems at all. For someone who's constantly moaning about far too much, it was a relief.
I have a job, one I like and can see myself staying with for a while. I like the people I work with and in the few short months I've been here I've made more friends than I had before I left. I'm more comfortable with myself and get along much easier with others. I have a lot to accomplish but have definitely rebounded from where I was. I'm not longer in the negative, all I do from here on out will be more than I hoped for.
I'm looking into clubs to do stand up and places to send stories. My book is still coming along, although it has slowed considerably. Unfortunately, with all that I've done I don't have as much time to do all I had planned. I am more careful about scheduling my time.
It is winter, grey and wet. It has gotten warmer than the cold temperatures that were here last week and I'm sure it will get colder than that but the days are short. I find myself tired far too much and have been tempted to crawl into bed the first chance I get. Twice I have done so and lost hours of the day that I had planned to accomplish some things. I don't want time to pass as quickly as I did in Boston. I want to make the most of what I can do and I plan to do that.
I am far ahead of where I was before June and now I want to do all that I can do. I've found a lot of talent in myself that I feel is being wasted and would hate to let it go unused. Without wanting to, I've tested myself and came out better than I would have believed. I need to push myself further.
I suppose there is where I would have ended this site. It was meant to be something to show all the hard times I've been through and how things turned out from there, but I'm not going to end it. I'll try to write as much as possible because I enjoy looking back and reading what I've written but things have definitely turned. Less than six months after everything happened I'm much better off.

I've been seeing K a lot. Although she's in another department, she works with me and we spend a lot of time talking or emailing. I went to her place last night where we went to a Mexican restaurant nearby.
I've also gotten back in touch with C. I inadvertently found a movie online she was in years ago and I felt like I shouldn't just give up on our friendship. I've done that too often and lost too many friends. I figured she would call me if she wanted to get together but she didn't so I called her. We ended up having a long conversation and made plans to meet this week. Her schedule is cramped as always and I don't have nearly as much time as I did so we'll see what happens. I think we both think the other doesn't want to see us. She most likely didn't call for the same reason I didn't.

I'm not going to try to title every posting with a song title. I will do it when it applies but trying to find a song to fit every posting is gimmicky and lame.

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