Climbing the Tower of Babel

Posted by new-all On 9:12 PM

After World War Two the US experienced greater prosperity than ever before in its history. After displaying to the world it's manufacturing, as well as military might, they were in a position to become the key player in global affairs. Fueled by oil, which seemed to be in abundance, new businesses and industries sprouted. The middle class was born and expanded quickly.

The cities had become too swollen. Suburbs were created as an alternative, country living in peace just outside the city. Tracts of land became subdivisions, one house often indistinguishable from the next. Small patches of grass surrounding each were well tended to give the facade of country living. The commute to the city was in its infancy and residents became comfortable and complacent with the standard of living.

Fast forward more than fifty years and the suburbs have changed completely. The cities, once neglected and crime ridden, have undergone a revival. With fifty years of relative peace we have established a country separate from the rest of the world fueled by fossil fuels. Our needs have grown to the point that it will be impossible to sustain the life we're used to living with the amount of fossil fuels in the world.

This is becoming clearer and clearer. In the coming years it will become glaringly obvious. Serious problems will arise when the amount of fuel will not be able to satisfy society's want for it.

There are no alternative fuels. The energy and power it takes to make them outweight their output. Biofuel, Hydrogen and the like will not solve any problems.

Right now there is no solution. Our economy, our entire country has been supported by the idea of an unended stream of fuel. Unfortunately, that idea has never been real.

Many are aware of this that use it as a reason to go to war. Preempting the great struggle for the last remnant of fossil fuels, the US has entered the Middle East under the premise of either vengeance, imperialism or nation building (still can't figure that one out). Turning Iraq into a puppet state will be the first step towards the Project for a New American Century's plan.

The PNAC, aware of the dire times ahead based on a changing society due to lack of oil and fuel believe the world would be better served being an AMERICAN world. This doesn't entail an archaic and suicidal conquering of nations that disagree with the idea but rather the pervasive influence of American culture throughout the globe- American politics, American ideaologies, American way of life. Why? Because it's the best, that's why.

Why should the world be a series of undeveloped, unstable countries with diverse histories, cultures and languages? Wouldn't it be easier to make the world a collection of American states and territories all friendly or, at least, kept in check with American culture?

That's what the PNAC hopes for. This is the most ambitious and far reaching goal ever attempted in history. To reach it requires generations of war, countless streams of propaganda and a complacent, well fed and distracted people.

When the American way of life starts to falter as the fuel runs out people will become desperate and cling to what they believe is their natural right long after it becomes possible to continue living that way. They will do whatever it takes to keep their life just as it always has been, in spite of the world changing about them. They will fight for it, steal, go to war and elect maniacs that will lie to comfort them and do whatever it takes to stay in power.

They want us to fight Democrat or Republican and argue about blowjobs versus vacation time and lose sight of what is being planned around us. We should be inured to war so it can continue and become a part of our life.

We are undergoing a major society change and we're only at the beginning. Many people feel they can live just as their parents did, just as their grandparents did and that's impossible now.

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