More Than A Year

Posted by new-all On 9:50 PM

It has been more than a year since I moved here. Last year at this time I was feeling tragic. Now I feel very fortunate. I've got a good place that's been bought by someone that gives a shit and is renovating. It's summer, everything is beautiful, I've got a lot of friends, my workouts are paying off and I'm back in shape. I'm not as muscular but I'm leaner and I'm just as strong.

Spent the Fourth with A at her friend's place. It was her friend's birthday and we celebrated by going to a water park, having a barbecue and going to a fair to see the fireworks. I only got mildly burned.

Time is passing along quickly. I'm doing more and the work is starting to pay off. I doubt I'll ever get complacent but it's times like this that make it tempting.

A year ago I was feeling very morbid. I couldn't imagine myself a year from now and, if I did, it wouldn't have been pretty. I figured I would be dead. More and more I feel like that was a different person. I always refer to it as "Me- then" and "Me- now". There's that much of a difference. I want to go back and meet that guy, have a long talk.

After my head injury as a kid everyone thought I would have a different outlook on life and change how I lived. I didn't because I didn't really have any outlook. I was only twelve years old. What would I need to change? I look back then not on mistakes I need to amend or regrets but I needed to change and I think it's complete. I still feel shades of what I used to be and I fight them, I'm sure they'll always be there, but it would be harder to change what I've become since then to fight off the old tendencies.

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