
Posted by new-all On 7:46 PM

I'm a politics junkie. I wish I wasn't, it only brings anguish and there have been times when I attempted to lose all interest and become apathetic about what was going on but it didn't last long. I used to be incredibly idealistic, the solutions seemed so simple. Now I'm a realist.

I see now that my turn towards realism is the product of bias and my reactions to what I have seen around me. I have become incredibly cynical and I wish I wasn't. I still believe things can get better and we're not that far off from good things but it seems nonexistent. The way the world is going (and I along with it) it doesn't look like anything will ever get solved.

There is a great many things to concern ourselves with. This country has become rampantly greedy. It has become an epidemic problem. Capitalism is at its worst when people believe it is their right to have such extravagance that it takes food, comfort or survival from others. When hundreds must go without food or suffer continuous pain so someone else can have an extra car they never use or another mansion, greed is criminal.

Education has become abysmal. While most that can afford it shelter their children away in private schools, our public school system wastes away. Those in power want to stay in power and will do anything to do so, no matter how unethical. A lot of lip service is given to education because it's one topic that always sways voters but nothing is ever done for it.

In Michael Moore's film Sicko Tony Benn, a former member of Parliament, says people that are hopeless or pessimistic don't vote and are easier to govern. Those in power want a hopeless and apathetic people that don't vote. They will never support their interests nor work to serve them. Their needs go unanswered.

How disheartening it is to live in a country that tout itself as the purest example of Democracy cares so little about, isn't even a Democracy by definition. I cringe whenever I hear someone brag about this country when they have so little idea of what it really is or what it has become.

Hell, a lot of people think the US beat Germany to win WWII.

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