Motorhead Monday

Posted by new-all On 8:01 PM

This site has turned into me rambling about dating and women and I don't like it. The only reason I've gone on so much on that topic is the fact that not much else is happening.

I'm looking for work and making progress steadily but too slowly. My social life is alright, better than it was last year but I'm not that social of a person. Most nights it involves women so that could be more dating that socializing.
I'm in very good shape, having lost a lot of weight through biking and cardio. I'm not as muscular as I once was but I'm probably healthier and I know I weigh less.
There are a couple women I see though I'm not dating anyone. I no longer consider A to have any potential. She likes me a lot more than she did last week but I still can't ignore how she acted then. I don't trust her and I don't expect her to be around long. I'm still hoping to meet a woman that really catches my interest, someone that has a lot of what I'm looking for. There are a higher class of women here than any other place I've lived so I'm hopeful.

Though there are certain things I look for when dating though I noticed some odd similiarities between women I've seen in the recent past. Three women in particular have a lot in common- C, K and A.

All three of them love Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, a movie I hated.

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C and A both have copies of Amelie, I watched part of it with C and enjoyed it but fell asleep halfway through. I was exhausted and it was a long day. We made plans to finish it but never have.

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They have all read many of the same books.

A and K are both roller derby girls. A was one of the original skaters on the league while K just joined after moving to Chicago. A does not like K for a few good reasons.

I no longer talk to K, though I talk to A and C.

A and C are both very sex positive women, and read the same authors that speak on this subject. I've tried to get C to get to some derby functions to meet some people. I know she'd fit in and she's told me she needs to meet more people. Her schedule is still very difficult. I saw her in the first few days of the year and heard from her only briefly since. I called her this week while her parents were in town. She sounded very happy to hear from me, which made me feel much better, considering.

I realize that throughout all this, C is the woman that gets the most attention and it sounds like I pine for her. In many ways I do. Out of all the women I've dated I've enjoyed being with her more and have genuine feelings for her but it will never get to what it once was, much less get as serious. Out of all the women I've met lately I wouldn't date anyone but her.

Just as a closer, I met a woman a few days ago but we didn't have a lot of time to talk. I missed her yesterday so we set up a time to talk tonight.

She was a train wreck. I have a good sense of what a person is like pretty quickly and almost immediately she got on my nerves. Interrupting, complaining, talking to other people while I was supposed to talk to her. Thank god it's never going to go anywhere.

After spending a quarter of an hour ranting about her friend's husband and how much she hates him and because he's Russian she hates Russians too. I like Russians, I say. They're shady, she repliess.

No one ever resolves their issues, she says. No one is ever satisfied with who they are and everyone has problems. I disagree. "You're very naive if you believe that." Everyone should go to therapy just to talk, though it never solves anything.

Complaining about marriage. "So you'll think you'll ever get married?" I ask.
"Not unless my parents die or I win the lottery."
"Your parents have a lot of money?"
"They do unless they live for a while, which they probably will."
"But if they kick it you get that big paycheck."

After these nuggets the phone mercifully got disconnected while she was droning on about her dog.

There are some worthless people out there.

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