Posted by new-all On 1:36 PM

I used to have a huge dvd collection. I had so many that it was unwieldy, I had to plan when I moved them and forgot which ones I had and didn't have. Most of them were lost in the fire this summer and since I've been slowly looking for them.
The best part about it isn't watching them but looking for them in stores and finding rare, out of print movies to add to my collection. It's the same as shoppers looking for discounts or bargains. It had gotten to be a problem and was a little relieved that I was able to get rid of (and sell a few) dvds in one fell swoop.

Now I'm starting to miss having certain movies around. I could have gotten rid of at least as many as I lost without a problem but I wasn't able to pick which ones. One in particular I would have kept.

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One of my favorite movies is Hard Boiled starring Chow Yun Fat. Since it was one of my favorite movies I had to have the best copy made. The problem was the best copy was long out of print and I had to go on eBay to get it. I got it at a hefty price but it was worth it, it's a great movie. It was the one movie I really regretted losing in the fire. I know it would be a lot of effort and money to get it again.

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The Killer is another movie from the same director with the same actor and since it is harder to find and thought to be a better movie it is even more expensive. My copy of The Killer didn't burn.

I'm starting to get dvds again though I don't plan to have nearly as many as I once did. It's only going to be a collection of my favorites and some others I really like.

I'm writing this because I just found the copy of Hard Boiled that I've been looking for so I only have a few left that I want.

The last ones on my list;

Almost Famous
Devil's Rejects
Hell House
House of 1,000 Corpses
Jesus Camp
Kill Bill
Kill Bill Vol. 2
The Story of Ricky
Twelve Monkeys
Vanishing Point

If you haven't seen these I would recommend all of them (except Jesus Camp which I haven't seen yet)

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