Seeing Her Again

Posted by new-all On 7:26 PM

C came over last night. Out of nowhere she called and asked to spend the night. We've been making promises to get together when we have free time but nothing's come of it. Neither of us had open nights or, rather, her schedule leaves her little time for anything else. She works constantly and has been laid up with strep throat.

This past summer we saw a lot of each other and she'd spend nights at my place to be closer to work the next morning. She may have been lonely and had missed having someone there and someone to hold her. At least that's partly the reason she came over last night. Her car is in the shop and getting to work is difficult without it and stress with her roommate are the other reasons. Once she was here she seemed happy/excited and we couldn't stop talking about all we've been through in the two months we've been apart.

She had dinner and went to bed. I expected nothing else and may not have wanted anything more. Once in bed I climbed in next to her and whispered beneath the sheets. Her scent reminded me of the summer. There wasn't much I enjoyed about this summer but breathing her in made me remember it fondly.

We slept well. I dreamed about nothing in particular. Lately I've been sleeping more deeply when I'm with someone else. Up until recently I've woken up several times throughout the night, unable to really sleep. In the mornings I would be sore and tired. When I'm alone I sleep even deeper but I'm starting to enjoy sleeping with someone else.

Mostly I'm just taken back on how happy she was to see me. That's better than anything. I know she sees other people and I see others but seeing her again brought an unexpected feeling of closeness I haven't had in months.

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