I'm a Yelper

Posted by new-all On 5:15 PM

I'm back. I've actually been back for a couple of days. I moved in without problem on Wednesday and got my internet connected yesterday.

Moving day was a treat. C helped me and brought along a friend of hers visiting from California. He helped out with the promise that I would buy his dinner and see his show when he plays at the Metro. I'll do him one better, I encourage anyone reading this to see his show which means he may have one more other person showing up to the gig. Unfortunately, I forgot (or perhaps he failed to tell me) the name of his band. I'm sure it's something somewhat funny/weird like The White Trash Neighbors or something like that. A good name, but not on you can imagine opening up for U2 or No Doubt.
Speaking of No Doubt, can Gwen Stefani be less subtle about stealing Madonna's career. Not that I have any love for Madonna...

It took me 3+ hours to move my stuff out of my place and about fifteen minutes to move it in. Meanwhile I met C's girlfriend, who seems really cool, and got a bed for me and a desk for C.

The bed is amazing, the softest one I've ever owned, maybe the softest thing I've ever slept on. A and I have already spent quite a few nights taking advantage of it's size.

My place is set up though two rooms are empty. Most of my stuff is still in boxes since I have no need to open them. I'll get some shelves and furniture eventually. It has the room and the potential to be really cool. I have a tendency to whole up in small areas like a rat, making my way between my bedroom, kitchen and bedroom so I don't need much else right now.

I started running again though this area is not as conducive to it as my last place. It's not necessarily a bad area, it's "up and coming" as they say. There are two schools nearby me so when I'm out running I don't want to slalom between kids milling around. Why aren't they in class anyway? They always seem to be outside doing nothing.

Jay and Jarvis, the guitarist and bass player of Scissorfight, have a new project with the singer and drummer of Lamont called Mess With the Bull. They are doing their first tour and playing to mostly empty houses that haven't heard of them. Monday night they played at the Note to about eight people. Me and one other guy were the only people not in the other bands.
Great show though and since there were so few people had people in the audience Jarvis had us introduce themselves.

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Mess With the Bull

I'm seeing the Fucking Champs at the Empty Bottle Tuesday.

I added a link on the side of the page, my reviews for Yelp.com, a little thing I've been playing around with.

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