Thursday, the morning

Posted by new-all On 9:08 PM

It's past midnight on Thursday morning and I'm listening to Nirvana and remembering how great they sound. I haven't had the urge to listen to them for years since they remind me so much of college and the fact that their music has been so diluted by similar bands over the years that I've forgotten how wonderful they can be. A perfect combination of anger, intelligence and beauty.

I made the last trip to pick up apartment stuff with C today. I don't have much here but I have all I need. A and I found a bunch of furniture this weekend, stored most of it at her place (which is now brimming with my furniture stocked in the basement) and carted a kitchen table over. I have no need for a table but I'm sure I'll need one eventually. This place has a lot of promise and though I don't have a need to have a full living room and I'm sure the two extra rooms will stay empty for a time I already see myself planning how they will look.

I'm planning to make the extra bedroom a gym but that will take a while. I've started a new workout program without any weights or equipment, just a lot of intense activity. I can tell it's working, I'm sweating a lot and cramping. I hate when I go without that activity for too long so it feels great to get back to it, sore muscles and all.

Been writing a lot lately as well. Mostly it's stories though I've been adding to a book as well. Writing used to be grueling, now it's almost second nature.

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