Never Let the Bastards Drag You Down

Posted by new-all On 7:13 AM

I'm all packed, the truck is reserved, C is coming over to help me move. I have the keys, I'm moving.

I don't know when I'll get internet after I move so this site may cease for a while but I'll be back.

Last night, coming home from A's, two men came up to me, grabbed me and demanded my money. I'm kicking myself because I'm usually more aware but these guys took me completely by surprise. In times like this you look back and think of what you should have done, get pissed and hope for a chance like that again to really get the most out of it. In retrospect things turned out almost as good as I could have hoped.

I didn't attack them and didn't get an adrenaline rush and pounce as I did in similar situations in the past. I knew I wouldn't give him any money. I couldn't give up that easy. I was completely surprised. All I could do was yell back at him to get him to calm down.

They were younger, early twenties, maybe less. I looked and saw they had no weapons and I knew they didn't know what they were doing. They didn't plan it, they just saw a solitary person walking home at one am and decided to jump. One guy grabbed me as I wrestled away. I was bigger than both of them but as one occupied me the other guy just started beating on my face.

He didn't hit very hard. Some people will punch you and everything in your mind is forgotten except for the severity of the punch and how to avoid the next one. This guy had several clean, uninterrupted point blank shots to my face and I was more concerned with wrestling the guy holding me. The punches were more of an afterthought. I got away a couple of times, got my shirts ripped off and made it away when a police van turned the corner. It was going in the opposite direction and didn't see us but it was enough. The muggers yelled "Police!" and ran.

Not even good criminals. They had no plan on what to do. They couldn't fight, they weren't strong and really weren't threatening. If they keep that up they won't last. It's difficult being a professional thief, much more difficult than most jobs (which is why it confuses me that anyone takes that route). These two weren't good at it at all.

I ended up with several bruises, a black eye, a very temporary bloody nose and random facial bruises. Nothing too serious and nothing I haven't had before. In a couple years this will be mostly forgotten and odds are those two will be dead or in prison. I'm hoping for dead.

I called the police and filed a report. Sitting in the back of the police cruiser (never been there before- hard molded plastic seats, not very comfortable) she got a call for one of the muggers a few blocks away. Twenty minutes later after committing such a crime, he just decided to hang around. We took off with me in the back seat.

We didn't catch him but it gave me time to think. I wasn't worked up, shaken or pissed off. I was tired and cold (and sore) but was pretty happy. I didn't give in, didn't just let it happen, I fought off the two assholes trying to rip me off and got off with only minor wounds and not a dime of my money taken.

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