A year ago today my moving truck caught fire. I wasn't sure what to do afterwards and I figured that, like all things, eventually it would be trivial and unimportant. I knew in a few months things would be much better. I wasn't sure where I'd be but I knew it wouldn't be as horrible as I felt then. All I had to do was get to that time, wait for a few months to pass and I wouldn't care. I gave myself until November. I figured that would be enough to get past it. In a year I figured things would be much different. By November things had gotten much better.
Now, a year later, things are much different. I had planned to spend the day doing something I'd really enjoy. I made today a personal holiday and what better way to celebrate than having sex and doing nothing I don't want to do that day.

Last night A and I went to a play some friends of hers were involved with titled Siskel and Ebert Save Chicago. In it, Roger Ebert revives Gene Siskel to stop Oprah and Mancow from conquering Chicago aided by their suburban mombies that do anything Oprah tells them to do. Along with Ebert, Siskel, Oprah and Mancow, it has actresses playing the Windy City Rollers, a roller derby league A is involved with. The title sequence, projected onto a curtain was a James Bondesque opening with silhouettes slithering along the Chicago landscape. Watching that made me realize how much I love this town.

We celebrated by getting sunburnt watching the Chicago Force, a woman's football league. Afterwards, while contemplating what we could do to mark the day, a friend of hers called needing help moving. I volunteered us so after a bout of quick but satisfying sex, we ran to help. For the next hour and a half we trucked her stuff out of her third floor apartment to a storage unit. Since the truck wasn't due back until the next morning she loaned it to us to collect all of the furniture I have stashed in several places.
By 230am we were finished. I got a tv from someone down the street, a couch from a friend and several pieces of furniture I stored in A's basement that I found months ago. My place is now in disarray, with some pieces not even put together yet, many of my things still in boxes though my living room now looks a little like it's supposed to. It's fitting that a year after I lost so much I spent most of the day getting back so much.
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