Fritos and Free Weights

Posted by new-all On 10:53 AM

For the past few weeks C and I have gone out on her days off to get errands done, get groceries or whatever needs to get done. Since I moved and things have changed since I first got here we haven't seen each other that much it's a good time to reconnect. I talk to her about A and what's going on and hear what's going on with her. It's a bit strange how similar they are. They've never met each other but both seem to have the same interests and the same concerns.
We went out yesterday to get groceries and I wanted to pick up some weights. I haven't worked out since I got my own place. I've been running fairly regularly and am in shape but miss having the build I used to. I had been to Sports Authority before but found most of their equipment cheap and overpriced. The people working there seemed very disinterested in customers and since it was a big purchase I was hoping to get them somewhere else.
There is a place closer to me that's more like a warehouse full of just gym equipment, weights and extras. I found just what I was looking for and then went grocery shopping. While there I decided to make frito pie, a new meal I tried in a restaurant that A told me she ate a lot as a kid. C and I ended up buying tons of groceries and I called A and told of her my plans. She was excited and bragged to her friend about the amount of sex we had, expecting to get some that night.
It was a great meal, though not the healthiest. Afterwards we lay there full and digesting while she fell asleep. I lay next to her, not tired at such an early hour and got up to use the weights I bought.
It felt incredible. A couple years ago I would stock up on meat, go to the gym then come back and eat to gain muscle. I lost a lot of it since but with such a meal in my stomach, and the amount of time I had gone without a good workout I could really feel it. I probably didn't go for more than twenty minutes but I got all I could out of it. I could already see muscles growing back and I worked up a good sweat. This morning I woke stiff, aware that it had been too long since I had.
A slept through the night though we did have sex this morning. I feel great. In a few weeks I should be back to a good build and a good workout. The weights were the best thing I bought in a while. I plan to get a lot of use out of them.

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