Halfway House

Posted by new-all On 8:54 PM

This is the problem with this place, A said it best, this place is half ass. The owners are trying to sell the building so they put some effort into making it marketable but somewhere along the way they said fuck it and stopped. People have come by to look at the place and considered buying it and each one I've seen has walked out without a word. The warped floorboards and lack of upkeep jumps out of them.
The place isn't bad. It's more pleasant and livable than a lot of places I've been but I wouldn't buy it for the price they're selling.
When they get a possible buyer they point them towards the kitchen; new floors, new cabinets, clean and large. They put a lot of work into the kitchen and then just stopped.
The floorboards in the hallway are coming apart and are broken or cracked. The living room floor is uneven.
There is central air and heating which looks good but only works rarely.
The kitchen, as nice as it looks has a fridge with a loose handle, though it would take no effort to fix it (and I would had I a screwdriver). The oven handle is broken. It throws off the originally pristine look of the room.
The bathroom, which also had some work done, has an uneven doorway that makes it resemble a funhouse. I guess they thought a new towel rack and toilet paper holder (not put on correctly) would be diverting enough.
The backyard has lush grass while the front yard that everyone sees is packed dirt and weeds.
There is no gate on the front steps and since we are the one of the few houses on the street without one, the neighborhood thugs hang out on the steps while they skip school. Now there is grafitti on the steps. Nice.
My guess is this house will be on the market for some time. Since this neighborhood is getting bought up by developers they will get an offer for it below what they are asking and they will refuse, hoping to find a buyer. Since they don't put any work into it it will stay unsold until, years later, they finally relent and sell it for less than they hoped. I plan to be gone by then.

Or they could spend a couple thousand dollars and spend a weekend doing some much needed repairs on it to make it presentable. Doubt that will happen.

It would help if they get rid of the lazy bastards they hired to manage this place that don't do anything or seem to care about the building at all.

This is why, in ten years, this neighborhood will be nothing but condos. People will complain and bitch but they will have no one to blame but the property owners who didn't give a shit about their own buildings and allowed them to fall apart.

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