Getting Things Done

Posted by new-all On 8:48 PM

I don't mind working but I hate waking up early. Once I'm moving everything seems ok. It's good to be back at work, rush hour doesn't seem so miserable here as it did in Boston.

The new place is very low key; jeans and t shirts are common though I noticed no one had any problem working, a good thing since I just wanted to immerse myself in it and not spend the day chatting with anyone.
As is my custom, I was hit with exhaustion a couple hours after coming it. I could feel myself dropping off but fought it. At one job I fell asleep during the interview and still managed to get hired. I got enough sleep so it shouldn't be a problem but damn, what I wouldn't do to get back to bed.

I didn't know anything about the area so at lunch I stayed in, promising myself a nice fat pizza if I made it through the day without problems. I got restless and, as everyone disappeared to eat, I began writing on Post Its, picking up where I left off in my book. For once I was hit with tons of ideas. In the past, while in the drudgery of the work day there seemed to be some sort of wall that kept me from really putting all the connections together. It's been with me for what seems like forever, I could never identify it but now it seems as if it's disappearing. My mind is sharper, I'm more active, able to take on more than I ever did and doing it flawlessly.

For the past year or so it looked like it was coming apart and now I'm seeing all the things I've always wanted to do but could never put together. I'm getting so much done every day and I'm not burdened by overthinking everything. It just comes out of me like I've always had it. Lunch for me was filling up little yellow pieces of paper to add to my book when I got home.

I categorized resumes, looking at everyone's PhD, MA Ed, RSVP and how much they've accomplished; grants gotten, papers written, books published. Got some good ideas to spruce up my resume. Very few things are permanent, most especially jobs. To stay active you've got to keep looking, going to the better offer. I'm sure with my qualifications I could ask for a much higher price next time and a better position.

But now I'm enjoying my pizza...

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