Twenty Years Ago Today

Posted by new-all On 8:58 PM

I was in an accident that put me in a coma for three days. Every year on this day I try to do something to appreciate surviving and enjoy the day. It's one of my biggest personal holidays.
This year I was in Bar Harbor with J. We left the day before to go to Booth Bay Harbor and spent the night on the coast in Bar Harbor. This morning we did one thing I've always wanted to do; see the first sunlight as it hits the US.
We woke up early to make it to Cadillac Mountain where the sun hits and, through cold, heavy winds watched it slowly break through the clouded morning. Bar Harbor is now an upper class vacation spot so several people dressed in their overexpensive clothes watched it with us. A good number of them gabbed right through the sunset, not considering how beautiful the view was. J commented on how much the place had changed since she was a girl.
The rest of the day we went around Mt. Desert Island, where Bar Harbor is, and saw Thunder Hole, Sand Beach and amazing views all throughout the island. We made it back late last night, both of us exhausted and tired. I intended to sleep as late as possible but couldn't stay in bed past nine.

I've spent a lot of time reconsidering my life in light of what I was feeling like last week. While staying at a hotel I watched some of the local flavor on the channels as I fell asleep. One channel was Canadian and showed a comedy show that wasn't funny at all. Another had a story about this famous scientist that's managing the robots on Mars and writes fiction on the side. He's won awards and is well known in both fields, which is odd considering the differences between the two.
Much of what he said was both fields were known for the long thought process that fosters solitude and loneliness. It's something all professional writers and scientists have to deal with and if you can't then you won't do well in either field.
My time away helped me think all that through. I had a rough week last week and most of it was in my own head. I get too deep into my stresses and worries and feel much more cut off from people than I actually am. Knowing that, hopefully I can deal with it better from now on.

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