*hack* *hack* *cough*

Posted by new-all On 6:36 PM

Sitting here listen to the comforting hiss of the radiator. So glad the heat's on. Now I can just hibernate and write.

Work tomorrow. It will be good to get back to it. I've accomplished a lot, more than I ever planned on my time off and now I'll get more done now that I'm working.

Got in touch with C. She's been even busier than before I left. We planned to meet this week to go to a show. We'll see how it goes...

It's becoming harder and harder to deal with the smell of smoke. I used to have no tolerance for it at all but since moving here it hasn't bothered me that much. Now my roommate's constant hacking and smoking at every opportunity is really getting to me.

Bitch bitch.

I'm buying things one at a time for my own place. At one point I had enough for a two bedroom house; two beds, couch, tv, furniture, bookshelves, kitchen utensils, pots and pans, sheets, towels, etc but we all know what happened then. If I moved now I wouldn't even have a bed.

It's not such a bad setup here and, as roommates go, I could do a lot worse. I just want to live on my own. Moving in here was just a last minute precaution I ended up falling back on.

I've become very reclusive and have kept to myself because I don't want to hear him talk about my laundry and how he does his every weekend. Never mind that he smells like an ashtray.

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