Getting Better

Posted by new-all On 12:07 PM

Things are getting better. After I got here I had a lot to worry about. My first concern was organizing all my problems before I could even decide what to do. After buying enough clothes to live on I figured all my problems could be grouped into three categories.

  • Dealing with U Haul and the insurance company
  • Finding a job
  • Dealing with KT

    KT had a good deal of my clothes which at the time I desperately needed. It would be wonderful to have something that didn't reek of smoke but, not suprisingly, it took weeks to get them back because she "wasn't in the mood." What else could I expect from someone that tells me she couldn't help me out after the accident because she made plans to go to the beach? That's what I look for in a girlfriend.
    After weeks of haranguing, I finally got her to drop them off on her way to work. She left them in a garbage bag, on the corner in the rain for two hours before I could pick them up. I have them and I'm just glad she's out of my life. One problem down.

    I received a woefully low estimate for my losses from the insurance company. After a week of research and looking up the replacements for what I lost, I refused their offer and sent it back. This problem is far from over but at least I can't do anymore and I'm not going to settle for a pittance of what I lost.

    I have a very promising job interview next week. I'm pretty sure it will lead to something. I'm always looking for better, more satisfying jobs so I doubt this one will be resolved soon but it will be good to get a steady income flow again and not have to rely on the insurance payment to live on.

    Some more good things...

    I began working on a new book a couple of weeks ago. It is coming along smoothly and I can see it eventually developing into something wonderful. If I stay with it there's a very good chance of it getting published and perhaps even changing my career. Hell, I'd be happy enough to just have one published book to my name. With the way things have been happening it's likely to happen sometime. I sent the first pages to a friend to read and they got a very good response. That's what friend do, of course.

  • Remember all that music I lost in the fire? I had hundreds of cds, probably over a thousand and lost most of them in the fire. I managed to save my iPod (it was in my pocket) but I was reluctant to work on it for fear of losing that too. This weekend I decided to get to it and see if I could hook it up to my new computer without losing any music. I was afraid it would delete everything I had on there (my entire music collection) which now I wouldn't be able to replace.

    With a little time and work I set up itunes and was able to connect my ipod to the computer so it would play all that was on there rather than just what on itunes. Now I can manage all the music on there, rather than just what was available like I could on my old computer.
    I called Apple and they suggest I use a program to get all the music out of there and save it to my hard drive so I won't lose anything. Apple doesn't advertise this as it leads to piracy and music theft but after I told them my story they gave me directions how. Now my entire music library and all the music I lost is saved on my hard drive and if, by some freak accident, this computer blows up as well, I can save it in the future. I know most people don't care all that much and it's tech geek stuff but this made my week. My month even. This is the best thing to happen to me since I got here.

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    Been listening to a lot of Motorhead lately. It just really seems to fit my mood now. It's perfect.
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