Who Will Survive and What Will Be Left of Them?

Posted by new-all On 9:08 PM

For those of you that don't know and haven't figured it out yet, I was in a fire that destroyed almost everything I owned. That's part of the story. I'm hesitating to say the rest for legal reasons but hopefully I will get to it soon.

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As the firefighters were hosing down the remains of my possessions and scraping anything that looked recognizable into a pile my friend and I took anything that looked salvageable. Since then my room has been cluttered with things that looked like it may have survived. Most were dvds and cds. Some melted, some had too much smoke damage to keep and some, amazingly, was untouched. Today I finished sorting through it all and cleaning what I can.

I had far too many music and movies so this actually is a burden off my back, the problem is I lost some I really wanted and would have kept for many years. The good news is I only lost one cd that is irreplaceable. The songs on it were released later but the edition of the cd will be impossible to find again. It was something only collectors would care about but that's life.

All my Scissorfight and Anthrax are ok. My Ramones cds came out ok. The Stooges were salvageable and thankfully, Mojo Nixon had little or no damage.

My Johnny Cash was destroyed. Devo I couldn't even find. I think those were some of the ones that melted into a sludgy black puddle of plastic. I'll get those back.

All the autographed ones; Black Flag, Anthrax, Joe Satriani, Pantera and Black Sabbath are ok.

The Ms got hit hard. All my Misfits, Motorhead, Metallica and Megadeth were beyond recognition.

Now all I have left is a garbage bag full of smoke damaged books I couldn't toss out. Hopefully they aired out enough to put them in order.

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