
Posted by new-all On 1:38 PM

I am forced to tell my story constantly to every person, not because I'm digging for sympathy, but just to explain my situation.

Why did it take me so long to get references for the interview? Because they
all burned up.

Why did you move without anything? Were you running from something? No, I
lost everything.

Why are all your clothes new? Because I had to buy new ones after I lost all my

That, of course, leads to more detailed explanations that I'm tired of getting into. I should just give everyone a link to this site. That could save some time.

Surprisingly I haven't met anyone that didn't believe my story. I thought I would encounter this a lot so I keep my cell phone armed with the photos of the fire close by. I've never had to use it (except at the U Haul office but I'll get to that). If I ever did show them they could just as easily say it wasn't my truck but I saw it on the side of the road and took the photos to make up some weird story at which point I'll tell them to fuck off. It would be like my roommate who got very suspicious of this new guy moving in with him reeking of smoke that said I "could be some guy going around the country dirty with burned clothes and shoes moving in with people and scamming them out of their money." What the fuck?

I'm not trying to be Zen or anything now but one thing I've been thinking about is how materialistic and gratuitous so many people are. Everyone is so overly concerned about acquiring stuff. When I saw my stuff burning I remember thinking it was lucky that I was fine and unhurt and considered going back in to get some things, though I know how stupid that would be.
For some reason while the truck was burning I thought of Paris Hilton. I don't think she is a particularly attractive, intelligent or worthwhile person but I remember seeing clips of her going shopping spending thousands of dollar in a breath and how people look up to her for living just that type of lifestyle and aspire to it.
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Most think success is being able to buy things that cost far more than they are worth just to gain the envy of others. When I tell people my story I've heard more than once "I don't know what I would do! I wouldn't be able to stand it."
Do things have that much importance on our lives? Do people that have so much money that they spend it so frivilously realize how much of a constant struggle it is for some people to even make enough to live? Do they feel guilt when buying unnecessary things or do they not know? Should they even feel guilt? They earned it right?

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Most of us did, anyway.

and what's with those huge bug eyed sunglasses I see so many people wearing. Didn't they ever see "The Fly"? Those are a fashion trend destined for the embarrassing pile along with bell bottoms and leisure suits.

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